How to Get Free Wi-Fi Wherever You Go

How to Get Free Wi-Fi Wherever You Go

Children of the 1990s will recall the agony of dial up Internet access. The suspense. The interconnection. The tone that indicated they were nearly there. The cables. There are so many wires. Nowadays, connecting to the Internet takes only a few seconds. And, while we may still be unsure what Wi-Fi stands for, we do know that it does not require any cables. However, unless you follow this expert advice on how to get free Wi-Fi, a wireless Internet connection usually comes at a cost.

How to Get Free Wi-Fi Wherever You Go

Create a mobile hot-spot

"If your phone has a mobile data connection, you can use it as a Wi-Fi hot spot and allow other devices to connect to it and access the Internet just like they would with a normal router," explains Patrick Sinclair, founder and tech blogger at All Home Robotics.

He claims that this is the easiest Wi-Fi you could hope to find. And, while it isn't always free (you do have to pay for your data plan, after all), it is a source that you already have. 

To use your phone as a hotspot, go to Settings, then Cellular. You'll see a Set Up Personal Hotspot option at the top. You can begin by clicking it. "Create a password and enable it," Sinclair says. "You can then connect to the hotspot from other devices as usual." However, be cautious because making your device a hotspot may expose you to unwanted visitors. You should be on the lookout for these signs that someone is stealing your Wi-Fi.

Check your city websites

Cathy Mills, Net Influencer director of strategy, is frequently on the lookout for her own Wi-Fi connections while travelling. "Checking the official websites of the places you're going to visit is an excellent tip for getting free Wi-Fi wherever you are," she says. According to Mills, many cities provide free Wi-Fi to visitors, whether for business or pleasure.

"All you have to do before you log in is register to have your own username," she explains. Just make sure you're not using one of the passwords that hackers frequently guess. "You can also find information about tourist attractions and restaurants on these websites."

Those information pages can also direct you to other locations in town where you may be able to access free Wi-Fi.

Connect at common establishments

As an SEO consultant, Daniel Foley has had to find his own free Wi-Fi on more than one occasion. While using your device as a hot spot is usually convenient, he says that if you want a truly free experience, you should look for open hot spots to connect to.

"Many hotels, coffee shops, and gas stations will allow you to use their Wi-Fi networks without paying for data," he says. These locations frequently provide free access to paying customers, though they may try to charge you if you aren't already a customer.

Use Wi-Fi map app

Assume you've been looking for one of those free Wi-Fi hotspots but haven't had much luck. "Using a Wi-Fi map has been extremely beneficial to me," says Sally Stevens, cofounder of Fast People Search. "If you have an app that provides a database of free Wi-Fi connections in the area, you can always find a free Wi-Fi connection."

There are numerous Wi-Fi map apps to choose from, whether you're using an Apple or Android device. The WiFi Map app is, in fact, available on all devices. (Are you using iOS? These iPhone hacks will make your life a whole lot easier.)

Don't give up if your standard Wi-Fi map apps aren't providing much help. Free Wi-Fi is still available. "Insta bridge and Wifi are two apps that help you identify unknown networks," Foley says. These apps can direct you to free Wi-Fi hotspots that you might not find otherwise—or that others aren't already flocking to.

Connect in unexpected places

Sometimes all of your tricks run out, and you'll have to get creative. "There are a few other popular locations with clandestine networks," Foley says. "Because business owners must display merchandise, most electronic stores, for example, provide Wi-Fi."

Sometimes, he says, it's just a matter of thinking outside the box. If you're in an airport, he recommends moving closer to the luxury lounges to see if you can connect to anything there.

Don’t be afraid to ask to another

We've overlooked the most basic way for getting free Wi-Fi in all of our searching: Ask. "I can't tell you how many times I've gone into a business and simply asked for the Wi-Fi password and obtained it, even though they don't publicise it," says Robert Johansson, CEO of Imgkits and a tech specialist.

What if you're unable to connect to a business's Wi-Fi? He recommends that you ask a stranger whether you can connect to their hotspot. Yes, it's true. "Believe it or not, people aren't usually so frugal with their Wi-Fi," Johansson adds.

If all else fails, you can always ask folks on the internet for help. According to Johansson, Foursquare and Facebook can assist you in determining which airports offer free Wi-Fi. In other words, people' compassion could be your most effective tool for locating free Wi-Fi.

How to Get Free Wi-Fi Wherever You Go

How to stay safe When Using Public Wi-Fi

Of course, no matter how you get free Wi-Fi, you want to make sure you're protecting yourself—as well as your devices, passwords, and accounts. Because the answer to the question "Are open Wi-Fi networks safe?" is, unfortunately, no. There are also some things you should never do while using a public Wi-Fi network.

According to Monica Eaton-Cardone, COO of the fintech company Chargebacks911, while there are several ways to access Wi-Fi without paying for it, users must still be cautious about the risks they are taking. "If you need to look something up online right away, such as a map or your hotel's address, free Wi-Fi can be a lifesaver." But keep in mind that Wi-Fi that is available to you is also available to others."

If you're sending or receiving sensitive information (such as financial information or personal passwords), the network to which you're connecting may be vulnerable to cybercriminals. "Just because something is free doesn't mean it's safe," explains Eaton-Cardone.

She recommends a few simple steps to add an extra layer of security to yourself

1. Instead of http, try to stick to https websites. The letter S in the URL stands for a higher level of encryption.

2. Check that you're connecting to the correct Wi-Fi network—the one provided by the library or restaurant, not a random Wi-Fi network set up by a hacker.

3. Don't send your password, credit card information, or any other sensitive information. Before making an online purchase, make sure you're connected to a secure network.

She also recommends creating a bogus email account for times when you need to use public networks, as this can help create some distance between you and any potential fraud threats.

And, whenever possible, using a VPN is one of the best ways to keep your information safe and secure while browsing the web.

Nitin pandey

A Literature and Linguistics graduate with a keen interest in everything about Tech. When not writing about tech, Nitin spends most of his time either playing PUBG or lurking on Reddit, Flipboard and Twitter.

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